Yesterday on the campaign trail….

Frome a article:

I am here today to tell you that there are better days ahead,” he said. “This is the United States of America. This is a nation that has faced down war and Depression; great challenges and great threats. … Here in America, our destiny is not written for us, but by us. That’s who we are, and that’s the country we need to be right now.”

                      — Barack Obama


“Certainly Barack Obama can learn a thing or two from John McCain about what it means to be a patriot. Think about how you’ll feel on Nov. 5 if you see the news that Barack Obama—Barack Hussein Obama—is president of the United States.” (The McCain campaign later distanced itself from Platt’s remarks.)

            — Bill Platt, Lehigh County GOP Chairman, introducing John McCain

Of course, later McCain distanced himself from Platt’s remarks. Nice. Hey, John. How about telling these jerk offs to not say this crap in the first place? How about that?

And as for the straight-talker’s speech, well…

McCain moved quickly through the changes he would make, as if reading from a series of bullet points, then spent the bulk of his remarks going after Obama. He wasn’t calling the audience to his vision of the future. He was poking holes in Obama’s record.

And lest you suspect that Obama was gloss and glitter, all Regan-esque schmaltz, consider these words:

“I won’t pretend this will be easy or come without cost,” he said. “We will all need to sacrifice, and we will all need to pull our weight because now more than ever, we are all in this together. What this crisis has taught us is that at the end of the day, there is no real separation between Main Street and Wall Street. There is only the road we’re traveling on as Americans—and we will rise or fall on that journey as one nation, as one people.”

So while McCain is trying to poke holes in Obama’s rep with this craggy, creepy little fingers, Obama is urging Americans to join him in making America better. And how did the crowd of more than 20,000 respond to this call? In true American can-do fashion: “with predictable ferocity.”

Obama’s words are awakening a pride of American lions ready to devour the problems set before us. And we aren’t just hungry, we’re ravenous. Bring it on!

And in the end:

Obama’s mere presence in Indianapolis, in fact, was a powerful message in itself. A Democratic candidate has not won the state since 1964. Obama, who narrowly lost the Democratic primary here, is now in a statistical dead heat with McCain. As Obama heads into the final weeks of the campaign, everything seems to be going his way—even the weather in Indianapolis. By the time Obama left the state fairgrounds, the rain had stopped, the clouds had parted, and the sun had come out.

It may rain for a time, the clouds may gather, the wind may blow cold and harsh, but the sun will shine again.

Obama knows this. He wants to take us toward the sunrise. Meanwhile all McCain can do is lurk in the shadows, and plot under the cover of darkness. And if McCain wants to saddle off toward the sunset that’s fine, just don’t rustle the rest of us along with you, okay.

McCain’s judgment on the economy laid bare

If you’re still undecided on whether John McCain is qualified to clean up the mess that is the American economy right now, you may want to read this article.

Obama’s economic plan

Some key elements include:

  • A $1,000 emergency energy rebate to help families with high fuel costs right now while putting $50 billion into job creation to get our economy back on track.
  • Families making less than $250,000 a year will get a tax cut three times larger than under John McCain’s plan and will face absolutely no tax increases.
  • While John McCain has voted against raising the minimum wage 19 times, Barack would raise the minimum wage and set it to rise automatically with inflation.
  • Invest $15 billion a year in green energy research to reduce our economy’s dependence on foreign oil and create 5 million American jobs a year.

Sounds good to me.

But I’m sure there are some who see a problem with it. So, let me have them.